Bug Boss The Pest X-Terminator


Fully Licensed & Insured

Local Pests In & Around Clintonville, WI

Get to know the local pests in our area! From German cockroaches to silverfish, BugBoss The X-Terminator in Clintonville, WI, has the experience and dedication necessary to safely remove pests from your home, business, and property. For more information about the pests in our area, please call (866) 284-2677 today!

Bed Bugs

As little as an apple seed, these pests can often live undetected in clothing, used beds, luggage, and other items. Bed Bug’s flat bodies can allow them to fit into spaces as wide as a credit card and can spread to other rooms and buildings over time if not treated properly. Please get in touch with our team today if you wake up with red itchy patches, as your space may have a Bed Bug infestation.

German Cockroaches 

Ranging from ½ to 5/8 inch long, German Cockroaches are light brown or tan in coloring with two dark stripes down their back. Often these creatures are found in warm, humid environments close to water and food sources. With their frequent infestations of residential properties, they like to hitchhike in grocery bags, cardboard boxes, and even appliances. If you suspect you may have a German Cockroach infestation, be sure to check their favorite known hideouts: the kitchen and bathroom. 


Most often found in gardens across Wisconsin, the most common types of Spiders we see in our area are Orb Weaver Spiders, Barn Spiders, Jumping Spiders, Wolf Spiders, and Crab Spiders. Whether they are pursuing prey or made a home inside your space, spiders often play a symbiotic relationship with their neighbors by keeping the pests and insects in your area under control. 


In the Midwest and Wisconsin, the most common ticks found on people and pets are the Deer Tick (A.K.A. the Blacklegged Tick), the Wood Tick (A.K.A. the American Dog Tick), and the Lone Star Tick. With each physical characteristic slightly different from the last, ticks can spread harmful diseases to humans and pets. Ranging from mild to severe, symptoms if bitten can include fever, chills, sweats, rash, muscle aches, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, and more.  


With over 56 species of mosquitos found in Wisconsin, they can often be a nuisance if found in your home or outdoor spaces. While a few species are generally harmless and often useful to their human neighbors, they can still spread diseases as a blood-consuming insects.

Asian Lady Beetles

Often mistaken for the well-known Ladybugs, the Asian Lady Beetles are native to China, Russia, and Japan. With their relatively new residence in the United States, these beetles are often found in homes and buildings during the winter. Typically oval and convex, their coloring ranges from tan, red, and orange, with black spots covering their wings and small dark “M” or “W” shaped markings behind their head. If you come into contact with an Asian Lady Beetle, know they do not provide any injury to humans or the structural integrity of buildings. 

Japanese Beetles

As their name suggests, these beetles are native to Japan and were first discovered in New Jersey in the early 1900s. In their mature form, these pests can decimate gardens and leave dying lawns in their wake. As an invasive species, these ½ inch long pests have shiny, bronze wings and metallic green bodies with white, spot-like tufts of hair along their sides. With visible garden damage showing up in spring to mid-to-late summer, eradicating this infestation involves treating this beetle at separate life stages. 

Rose Chafers 

Often found in areas with sandy soil, Rose Chafers primarily feed on roots of grass, weeds, flower blossoms, and tree foliage. As medium-sized beetle measuring between 5/16th to ½ inch in length, they are slender and pale green to tan in color. Often mistaken for wasps when flying, these insects can be controlled through several professional methods. 


Most often found in warmer climates, Fleas are blood-feeding parasites that can easily jump from one host to the next. Visibly flat with no wings, these pests are found on household pets and can jump through windows and even screened doors. To eradicate this pest completely, adult flea medication is required, and the eggs in the home must be treated to ensure the infestation is treated properly. 


As one of the most common insects in the world, Ants can be found almost anywhere. In Wisconsin, our four most common types of ants are the Pavement Ants, Pharoah Ants, Field Ants, and Thief Ants. With each ant species comes unique characteristics; in general, ants can cause significant property damage to your home or business. Whether it’s their tunneling through wood to infesting your fridge or pantry, never underestimate just how much damage a colony of ants can do. 


As a nocturnal species, Earwigs often hide in small, moist crevices such as basements or crawl spaces during the day and are active at night. With their non-aggressive and non-poisonous nature, they only pinch their victims if they are being threatened. With their long bodies and sharp-looking pinchers, this omnivore insect is relatively harmless and mundane.


Only consuming matter that contains polysaccharides, such as glue, book bindings, plaster, photos, paper, and other like materials, Silverfish can also cause significant damage to natural materials like cotton, linen, and silk. Often found in all areas of the house, Silverfish get their name from the insect’s silvery, metallic appearance and fish-like shape and movements. These insects can often be found in humid, moist areas of the home, such as basements, attics, and bathrooms.  


The signs of a raccoon infestation can be both visual and audible. Damage to your home’s insulation, shingles, electrical wiring, and more is a telltale sign a raccoon has taken up residence inside your home or business. Often raiding and making a mess of garbage cans while in search of food, often the best solution is sealing up any entrances the raccoons may be entering.


While we mostly see squirrels hanging out in trees on your property, sometimes they can find themselves moving in to your space. If you notice quick scurrying, scampering, scratching, or chewing, you may have yourself with a furry roommate. Often making their nests in attics, don’t discount any strange noises coming from your chimney, under your house, or vents. 


From rodent droppings around food packages, cupboards, or drawers, rodents don’t like to make their presence known unless the infestation is severe. Whether you see nesting material like shredded paper and fabric or signs of chewing on food packaging or at the bottom of walls, you can easily discourage rodents from entering your home by removing food, water, and shelter sources. If the rodent problem persists, our professional team can help you rid your space of the infestation for good. 

Bald-Faced Hornets

Known for their large ball-shaped paper nests, these hornets are often stout-bodied with black and white markings on the tip of their abdomen and head. As social creatures, these insects live in large colonies and can be aggressive if disturbed. If you notice a nest on your property and worker hornets flying around the nest, likely, you are already infested with these insects. Avoiding contact with these insects is the key to preventing stinging and is best left to the professionals for proper removal. 

Yellow Jackets

As a common name in North America for the predatory wasps of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula species, these wasps are often black and yellow, sometimes black and white, with distinctive markings. If you notice their occurrence only in large colonies and rapid side-to-side flight patterns, you may have a Yellow Jacket infestation. Be careful when dealing with the females of this species, as they are often known to sting their victims. 


Building their nests in sunny spots, these nests can often be found along tree branches, the sides of walls, underneath floors, or eaves of houses. If threatened, wasps are known to attack and sting humans. If you notice an active nest with wasps entering and leaving, please contact our team at BugBoss The X-Terminator for the best solution to rid your space of wasps. 


Notably known for their black and white striping and their infamous foul odor when spooked, these mild-mannered creatures rarely use their potent defense system. While you’re more likely to smell a skunk than to see one, if they take up residence on your property, you may find small, shallow holes in your lawn, potted plants frequently knocked over, or damage to lower leaves of garden crops. Skunks usually move on their own accord if you leave them alone, but can be easily encouraged to vacate the premise if needed. 

Brown  Marmorated Stink Bug

As a common nuisance to homes and businesses, the Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs are attracted to the outside of houses on warm fall days in search of protection and can enter your spaces in large numbers. Accidentally introduced from east Asia in the late 1990’s, this bug is often feature a shield-like shape and boast shades of brown on the upper and lower body. These bugs got their name from the defensive odor excreted when they are disturbed or crushed. 

Big & Little Brown Bat 

If you frequently notice strange noises like scratching or squeaking coming from the walls or attic, or even dropping and urine stains down the side of the building, you may have a bat infestation. Although rare, bats can carry and transmit rabies and can affect the central nervous system of humans and pets. Little brown bats are typically 3.5 inches compared to big brown bats ranging in size from 4-5-inches. Their fecal mater, otherwise known as guano, these bats can cause respiratory issues in people and animals. If you notice these animals on your property around dawn or dusk, it is best to leave them be until our team can remove them from your property. ,

Do you have one of these pests on your property? Call (866) 284-2677 today to speak with our team!

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